Friday, December 09, 2011

Baby Belly #2 - Week 36

Several note-worthy things happened this week. Some friends from my 2010 Babies Meetup Group threw me a little "sprinkle" for Cason and I walked away with a bundle of disposable diapers. How wonderful!

Nausea has hit again, which basically means it's here for the rest of the pregnancy because my stomach has been crammed up into my throat by this little guy. It's a very odd sensation when you start running out of room to grow a child. You still want to eat a meal, but you literally can't take more than five bites because you have NO ROOM TO PUT IT!

Finally, in addition to Braxton Hicks contractions I started having the low, period-like cramps every so often, which was mildly scary because that's what I had right before I delivered Cannon. So, we're limiting the walking in attempts to keep this kid in until after the holidays.