Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Eve Traditions

We continued our Christmas Eve tradition of going to The Village's Christmas Eve service. . . 

. . . followed by a pizza dinner at Campisi's. (And, did you click through to that link last year to compare how much my child has grown and changed? It's WILD!)

Danny and I closed out our quiet little evening cuddling by the fire after putting Cannon to bed. We wrote notes to put in each stocking, even one for unborn Baby Cason, which I hope is a new Christmas Eve tradition. Instead of filling our stockings with candy and toys each year, every family member will write a letter to every other family member until our stockings our brimming with cherished memories 20 years from now. 

And then we said "to all a good night" and went to bed to dream of next year's Christmas when we have TWO little boys in footed Christmas pajamas.