Monday, August 21, 2006

Wedding Week

Our one year anniversary is quickly approaching. It seems impossible that we have been married 365 days (I wonder what 50 years feels like, my stars).

Somehow the stress, anxiety, anticipation, joy, excitement and bliss I was feeling this time last year is still very fresh in my mind. And yet, if I were to try and chronicle everything we've done, every single place we've travelled and all the memories we've created since then I would have a very large, door stopper of a book to give you.

So, in honor of surviving one year of wedded bliss, we consecrate this week as "A Walk Down Wedding Lane."

For a kick-off party we are remembering our vows - the promises that bound us together before the Lord, were witnessed by those close to us, and are symbolized by a ring. To our family and friends, continue to hold us accountable to these, encourage us in these, and remind us of these - always.

Danny’s Vows:

Laura, when I look at you, I remember God has entrusted your life to me as an unearned gift.
I seek to treat you gently and with patience in order to understand the way God wonderfully fashioned you.
I promise to love you like Christ loved the church, as my own body.
Through the pressures of the present and the uncertainties of the future,
I promise to be faithful to you.
I promise to provide for you and protect you.
I will strive to lead our family spiritually, establishing a home where Christ is glorified and honored.
I promise I will live first unto the Lord rather than to others, or even you.
If you look to me to fill your heart, I will fail you.
Christ will be the foundation and rock of our hope.
In recognition of these things, Laura, I purpose to love you with His love.
As we begin the great adventure of following Christ together,
I pledge the rest of my life to you.

Laura’s Vows:

Danny, when I look at you, I remember God has entrusted your life to me as an unearned gift.
I seek to honor and respect you in order to be a help meet and a support to you.
Through the pressures of the present and the uncertainties of the future,
I promise to be faithful to you.
I promise to submit to your leadership, as the church submits to Christ.
I will strive to serve you and to love you,
that we may establish a home where Christ is glorified and honored.
I promise I will live first unto the Lord rather than to others, or even you.
If you look to me to fill your heart, I will fail you.
Christ will be the foundation and rock of our hope.
In recognition of these things, Danny, I purpose to love you with His love.
As we begin the great adventure of following Christ together,
I pledge the rest of my life to you.


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