The Big Mo
One last South Carolina memory before we start flooding you with all the Texas excitement.
We could not leave South Carolina without having date night at the Big Mo. It is a real drive-in movie theater outside Columbia. Pay $6 and get two movies, fresh air, a view of the sunset, and good old fashioned entertainment watching the kids play before the movies start.
Here's the line to get in to The Big Mo that starts forming over an hour before the gates even open.We thoroughly enjoyed Ratatouille, but apparently are too old because we left after the first movie due to tiredness.
That's our Camry with the driver's door open. We had a great view. And, if you look closely you can see that the parking spots were on a raised hill - so you sat looking up towards the screen, rather than just facing forward. You can also see the kids playing soccer, football, frisbee, and chase in front of the screen waiting for the sun to set and the movie to start.
And so, if you rae in South Carolina, you need to go to the Big Mo. Meanwhile, we are setting out to discover all the date night gems of Dallas. We'll let you know what we discover!
How fun! There are some movie nights here in Southlake that I've been wanting to go to, seeing your pictures makes me want to go even more!
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