A Little Bloggety Tour - Part 5
Still:Living Blog Tour - Stop #5 - Labels, Archives & Related Posts
Catch up on the blog tour:
Part #1 - The Linkbar
Part #2 - The Blogroll
Part #3 - Contact Us
Part #4 - CommentingThe "Labels" and "Archive" feature have always been on our blog.
Basically, if you would like to see what we wrote about last summer, you can click on the "Archives" drop-down menu and select a month and year. If you would like to see what we did last Valentine's Day, you can click on "February 2007." If you would like to see the very first post we ever wrote here, just find the earliest date available, and in one click it will take you straight there.
I'm currently in the process of reducing the number of labels I use, simply to make things easier to find (mostly for myself). However, the "Labels" drop-down menu is great if you want to get an idea for a date night in Dallas, get an idea for a quarterly review, see all our past Christmas pictures, etc.
One new feature here is the "Related Posts" feature. To see this, you'll have to click on a post's title, then, at the bottom of the post, you will see this:Basically, this will show you other posts that have the same the same label(s). I made it easy, if you're so inclined, to read more of the same on our blog.
Blog Modification Tips:
Archive Drop-Down Menu: This is a standard feature in Blogger under "Settings -> Archiving."
Labels Drop-Down Menu: This is not a standard Blogger feature, so I followed the directions at Testing Blogger Beta.
Related Posts Widget: The most straight-forward instructions for doing this are at Bloggers University.