introducing . . . still:image photography
And, yes, I meant to put NO capitalization in that title. I like it that way.
I've started a photography blog.
Yes, I hear the sigh of relief from all of you out there on the other side of your computer screens.
Now I can stop torturing you with pictures and get back to why you really visit this blog: to read about the suite life of Danny and Laura (and if you didn't catch that reference then you haven't baby-sat enough kids born in the late 90s).
The new blog will display only the current post, for the purpose of keeping things short and suite. (Oh my gosh, stop the Disney references already.)
But, for the first few days, while you're looking around and getting use to the place, I'll leave ALL of the posts visible.
Keep checking back because a few new posts will be coming over the weekend.
I wouldn't want you to miss one of my pictures now would I!
And, just in case you forgot where all my pictures are located, there will be a permanent link at the top of this page - just click on "still:image."