Thursday, March 04, 2010

A New Project365 for 2010

Last year I ALMOST finished my photography project365 - which involved taking a picture a day for a year. I fell about a month short, but that's okay with me. The project accomplished it's purpose - helping me be more attentive to details, noticing new angles, colors, lighting and more.

You can see that original Project365 here.

For the new year, I didn't just want to repeat the same project, but I also wanted to challenge and grow in my creativity and my understanding of photography. So, I put a plea out on Facebook and recruited some friends.

This year four of us have embarked on a collaborative project365. We are the P365 gals.

**NOTE** I hope you realize by now - I am GREAT at finding and copying ideas. I have very few original/creative ideas for which I can actually take credit. Our collaborative project365 was born from finding the Minty Forest Photo Project.

The idea is for each of us to take a picture a day all week, and then send them to one person who puts the pictures into a collage to create an entirely new creative photo. Sometimes the combinations are stunning!

Every other week we give ourselves a theme in order to improve our photography and hone our skills. We have already covered aperture and shutter speed. In March we'll work on light and repetition.

So, if you'd like to join Laura W, Becca P, Jenny M and myself as we snap our way through the year, just click on over to 4friends Photography.

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