Thursday, May 06, 2010

Baby Stiller - Week 30

Week 30 (2010.05.04) FINAL

I inherited long legs and a short torso from my Mom. So, HELLO BABY BELLY, you have no where to go but straight OUT!

We've started the 10 week countdown. Will it ever get here and do I have enough time to get ready? How is it I want to time to pass so fast and so slow all at once?

Braxton Hicks contractions are in full swing.

Danny has already grounded Baby Boy for a month (starting once he gets here) for kicking his mom so hard in the ribs it takes her breath away.

Little One is head down, and we can now feel his hiney and extremities on either side of my belly when he decides to stretch out. It'll be interesting to see how many different shapes my belly contorts into as he gets stronger over the two months.

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