Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Just Another Tired Day

Today is one of THOSE days.

Sometimes sticking to a schedule wears me out. It's like trying to carry a load of clean laundry with no basket - you're always on the verge of dropping socks, trying to catch them just before they hit the ground. Sometimes a schedule feels exhausting.

But "they" say that children do better on a schedule. Kids supposedly sleep better at night when they've had good, long naps in their crib. I'd like to know who "they" are. Maybe they can come over and keep my kid on a schedule while I take a nap.

Well, I've decided to drop all of the clean laundry. I was just too tired to "hold it all together."

Cannon has slept in my lap, on a blanket on the floor, in bed with me and hardly at all in his crib. We've fed almost on demand at every feeding because I just don't have the energy to distract him when he's hungry and not suppose to eat for another hour.

I've ignored my mile-long to-do list. The dishes have sat in the sink since last night. The bathrooms haven't been cleaned in weeks. Thank yous that should have been sent out a month ago are still sitting unwritten. Photos from a family photo shoot at stuck on my computer just waiting to be edited. Blog posts are rolling around in my head unpublished. Bills did get paid (barely) on time. The trash is overflowing and I'm down to just a few diapers with a stinky diaper pail of cloth needing to go into the washing machine.

I stood in the shower extra long today even though Cannon was crying because I was crying too and the hot water just felt so good.

In my five minutes of quiet I read blogs. I should have been working on a grocery list, but I just couldn't muster the energy. It was so much easier to peruse Google Reader than be productive.

Maybe tomorrow we'll get back on track. Until then we'll be soothing Cannon's tears with extra cuddles and mine with blueberry pie and ice cream for lunch.

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