Thursday, February 10, 2011

Cannon - Week 31 (2/10/11)

We attempted to balance out Cannon's fruity diet with broccoli and green beans this week. He responded with dramatic gags and tongue thrusts.

On a separate occasion, I walked into the spare room (after moving some empty boxes to the garage) to find Cannon chewing on the bottom book shelf. If ever I doubted that he was my child, I need worry no more. (Apparently I chewed my crib head board to shards when I was teething.) He comes by his dramatic flair and woodchuck tendencies honestly.

This was also an exciting week developmentally. Cannon started clapping (or at least trying to pat his hands together) by himself and began to roll over from back to tummy consistently. His ability to roll over relieved my "new mom" jitters when everyone gave me shocking looks when I told them he was seven months and not yet rolling over.

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