Thursday, April 07, 2011

Cannon - Week 39 (4/7/11)

Cannon tried alot of new foods this week, including: salmon, tomatoes, mandarin oranges, broccoli and lemon chicken! He's getting to the point where he would much rather feed himself than be spoon fed.

Being the proud Texans that we are - we took Cannon to get his first pictures in a field of bluebonnets this week. I'm enjoying his cuteness now, because I know my time is very limited taking his pictures in FLOWERS!

Cannon's mobility is increasing rapidly. He learned to go from a sitting position to his tummy. So, I can no longer sit him in one location and trust he'll stay there. 

And, in saddest news, he has finally refused to take the bottle. He knows what he wants and doesn't want and lets up know with a forceful swat with his hand. And, no matter who tried to give him a bottle at what time of day, he wanted nothing to do with it. Sippy cup here we come.

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