Cason - Week 6

While he's already outgrown newborn clothes, the tiniest socks I have are finally starting to fit and stay on Cason's skinny little feet/ankles. Our boys are long and lean.
On Saturday I started noticing that Cason was quite congested. He would wake up coughing and sputtering and his nose was running. On Monday he started running a fever (99.5-100.6) so I called the doctor. Because he is so little they said to bring him in. At a mere five weeks old the poor thing has his first ear infection (left ear). I suppose all of our outings last week was not the smarted thing.
Cason stayed with Nana and Papa (and Cannon) for the first time while Danny and I went out on our first date night since he was born.
Want to compare? Cannon - Week 6