Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Our Family This Month (February 2012)

February was a collection of sleepless nights, afternoon naps, lots of spit up and even more cuddle sessions. There were first smiles and first scraped knees. There really aren't too many significant events to report (we tried getting to church, to home group, to a meet up) but many insignificant moments that made up our new life as a family of four.

We are learning how to function with two kids under two. Some days it feels like we have it all together - we get out the door on time, everyone naps at the same time, and big brother wants to kiss little brother. Other days it takes two hours to get breakfast on the table, we change diapers and outfits three times in a row, babies need a bath before 6 am, we miss church too many weeks in a row to count, and big brother tries to knock out little brother with the football.

And that was the blur called February 2012!

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