May 2014 Reading List
1. Top 101 Top Picks for Homeschool Curriculum by Cathy Duffy
Homeschooling is another post for another day, but yes, we are looking into it. ;-)
This was a great resource. It gives a good overview of the various homeschool and educational philosophies and it was also very detailed in it's review of homeschool materials. She was slanted towards an eclectic learning style and Christian worldview, so if you're looking for a traditional/textbook education without religious overtones, you might not appreciate some of her suggestions/reviews. It's definitely a reference I'll be coming back to several times.
2. The Circle by Dave Eggers
This book was okay. It's the first book I've picked up in months so I was looking for an easy, intriguing work of fiction. I found The Circle to be alot of the same, very repetitive and while the last quarter had an intriguing plot, I found most of the book to be one dimensional with predictable characters and no story line. It was an interesting take on this age of social media and the direction our culture could go, but I was disappointed overall.