Moving to Texas - Part 2
Okay, so, you know what's going on in our lives this side of Texas, now here's what we're looking forward to in just a few short weeks.
The Big MoveMy brothers, Matthew & Jonathan, will be flying out to help us move and drive back. Yea for more hard workers who are willing to get paid in free food. We will be packing up the Uhaul on July 25th, handing over the keys to our apartment, and pulling out for the 16-18 hour drive on July 26th. We plan on taking two days to get to Dallas, staying somewhere in Alabama/Mississippi for the night.
Our New Home
We are currently applying/interviewing with a ministry called Apartment Life. If we are accepted they would place us in an apartment complex and we would serve as a Cares Team, meaning we would visit new residents, plan monthly events, and get to know our neighbors. We are excited to see where the Lord will put us and what His plans are for our living situation.
Danny's Job
Danny will be working part-time at UPS. He will most likely be putting in his hours from 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. every evening during this fall semester. He will be able to change his schedule after the first or second semester if that schedule does not work out for us. UPS offers part-time employees health benefits and tuition assistance, and they employee quite a few DTS students.
Laura's Job
As previously stated, I am currently looking for a job. I am hoping to get something in inner-city ministry, community development, at a church etc, but sometimes those jobs are few and far between. I am learning to actively trust that the Lord has a plan for me and that He cares about where I work.
Danny has already registered for classes and we have been diligently saving each month to pay off his first semester. With the help of scholarships from DTS, UPS' tuition assistance, and savings each month we hope to get through seminary debt-free. Danny's schedule will include the following:
Bible Study Methods and Hermeneutics
Orientation & Research Methods
Intro to World Missions
Be very careful with the UPS tuition reimbursement. Get everything in writing. Do NOT take out the Wells Fargo/UPS ConSern loans.
Hey. I am looking forward to seeing you back in Texas! I hope you aren't looking too forward to the brown grass though because it is pretty green this year :).
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