Mesquite Rodeo
Several weeks ago Danny and I went to the Mesquite Rodeo. It was a hoot-n-holler of a good time.
We hadn't been to a rodeo in several years, and quite frankly, I just plain forgot just how entertaining they are.
Only in the bathroom at the rodeo can you hear a mom hurrying her little cowgirl out with a "Hurry and pull your britches up."
Muttin' Bustin, hands down, was probably the highlight of my entire year. Real cowboys put their little cowboys - under the age of 8 - on a sheep (hence the name Muttin) and turn the sheep loose. The tyke who can hold on the longest wins! Those little lambs would come shooting out of the gate and the child would slide straight to the ground. Until the last little girl that is. She hung on for dear life until she was hanging underneath the sheep. I hope her parents videoed that for her future husband.
I didn't get a picture of the Mutton Bustin, because each child only lasted about 1/2 a second, but I did get a picture the children (and parents) who scampered into the arena for the Calf Scramble. There was the classic kid who grabbed the tail and wouldn't let go.
Cowboy poker involved four men, sitting in chairs around a table while a bull runs loose around them. The last one sitting wins. Our bull took out all four cowboys at once. Only men in Texas will sit and wait for a bull to gore them. At least in Pamplona they run with/from them.
I only got a picture of the chuckwagon races. What a night to own a finicky camera.
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