Christmas Eve in New York
I know I have been blogging alot, or just consistently for once, but it is mainly because I've had time to organize the photos and mess around on the computer. And, if you're anything like me you check blogs religiously because the thought of missing out on a bit of information or being two seconds late to find out how a friends' Christmas is going drives you crazy. But it's also for the Texas family's benefit, since I miss them and wish we could be together celebrating Christmas. I guess I think that if I just post lots of pictures they'll all feel like they're here with us!
And, I take so many pictures, I figure ya'll should only be asked to swallow a few at a time. If I waited to post all about our Christmas at once, it'd be like sticking a fire hose in your mouse. And that just isn't pleasant.
On Christmas Eve we attended mass at Notre Dame Catholic Church and followed it with dinner at The Inn at New Hyde Park.
Here are all of our pictures by the Christmas tree at the New Hyde Park Inn.After dinner we came home and opened presents with just the five of us, since the whole family would be here on Christmas Day for dinner and visiting.
We gave Nan & Poppi (and everyone in the Morse/Stiller family) a photo ablum of Morse Family History. It's pictures of Nan & Poppi's childhood homes, schools, and growing up years, and it also includes pictures from the Morse Family History tour we took last year. They enjoyed reminiscing through the pages.Danny's brother and I gave him the present of his dreams, and even though he knew it was coming (thanks to me leaving my to-do list out on my desk) he still acted surprised.
We do have a flair for the dramatic in our house.
More pictures will be coming of Danny trying out his new Freebord, which is a skateboard that can be ridden like a snowboard on concrete.
And, yes, we are debuting pictures from the new camera in the blog post. HOWEVER, do not critique, analyze or try to see a difference. I am still learning the functions, the buttons, and the possibilities with the new Canon. So, just enjoy the smiling faces for now. Later on you can admire the photography!
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