New Pixels
Many of you know I have more than one hobby and often too many interests to focus on. Exercising, coupons, reading, computers, blogging, organization, and photography just to name a few. Well, the photography has been on the forefront of the brain most recently, and after saving our pennies, selling stuff on Craigslist and working little odd jobs we finally bought a new camera. The camera arrive in the mail two days ago.
We get to New York and get a new camera all in one day. It was almost more than a girl could handle.Danny wanted to give our little point and shoot one last run, so he snapped pictures as I opened the box.
The camera did come with a lens - we were just enjoying the camera bit by bit.
I've been reading the manual page by page to get the most out of our new "big" purchase, but one of the simplest features we've played with the most is the 6.5 pictures per second that this camera can shoot.
Danny stands in the kitchen and waves his arms, pretends to pitch a baseball, or does some other dramatic motion and I hold down the shutter button and snap away. We then scroll through the pictures on the view finder and it looks like a flip book.
We are easily entertained.
We will be giving the camera a test run with the family Christmas party in two days, and then see how it performs at Lynn's (Danny's Mom) wedding on December 30th. I just know you'll be waiting at the computer in anxious anticipation of the results!
To see Joe & Lynn's wedding blog, go here.
You look SO pleased with yourself! We're really excited for y'all and your new camera purchase. Did you get great pictures when you were out yesterday? I hope you're having so much fun.
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