Meet the New Family
Just a little introduction to the new Stiller/LaPaglia family.
Pictures are from dinner and hanging out at the hotel the night before the wedding. We had fun calling each other "brother" and "sister."
Everyone in the family was staying at the hotel except us. We arrived in New York first and claimed the couch bed in Nan & Poppi's basement!
So, in order to visit with the relatives, Danny and I made that hotel lobby our second home. We'd arrive mid-afternoon, plop down all of our stuff and stay. I'd sit and read on the overstuffed couch by the fire, partly watching tv and partly absorbing my book. Danny would take off to practice his freebord in the parking lot and come in for breaks when he got too cold. There was coffee, tea, hot chocolate and cookies for our snacking pleasure. It was almost better than being in our own living room, and we were ready the minute everyone came downstairs for dinner or hanging out.

Danny & Laura
(Lynn's son and daughter-in-law)

Chris & Holly
(Lynn's son & girlfriend)
Chrissy & Chris
(Joe's daughter & boyfriend)
Joe's sister & brother-in-law
Hanging out on our favorite couch in the hotel lobby.
Chillin' after a long day shopping.
And, sadly, the only picture I have of Joey (Joe's son) is of him and his iPhone.
Tomorrow I'll post the long-awaited wedding pictures, and they will all be Lynn-approved!