Thursday, January 17, 2008

Winter Wedding Wonderland - Part 1

Because I have WAY too many pictures of the wedding, I'm going to break them up into several posts. Really this is just to keep Jenna in suspense.

Although I really don't know how I have any pictures left - my mother-in-law threw out all of the photographs of herself except about two. I told her it would look like Joe married a ghost, but she would have none of it. So, being that she was the bride, and the bride is always right, here are pictures that were left, after Lynn's picture-burning party.

Lynn teased out my hair for me. It was rather scary at one point and here's the picture just to make you laugh. But it turned out so nice that I've even attempted to tease it at home. I don't have quite the knack for it that Lynn does.

Danny bought white roses (Lynn's favorite) for her on her wedding day.

I pretended I was a real photographer for a minute and took a picture of the rings in the flowers like all good photographers do.

Nan was the Matron of Honor and this was her little bouquet.

The beadwork on Lynn's dress was gorgeous.

See, the hair didn't turn out so bad. Althought when I asked Danny to check out my make-up and tell me I looked beautiful he mearly squinted and said, "You have alot of make-up on." I made him go out and come back to try that response again. His second attempt was perfect.

Much thanks to Jenna for the fabulous dress and necklace. Really I wouldn't have had anything to wear in NY if it wasn't for her.

Lynn with her bouquet, ready to head to the church.

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