Monday, January 07, 2008

Morse/Stiller Family Christmas

We are back in blogging business.

I'll pick up right where we left off, on Christmas Day with Danny's fun family.

The entire family joined together in Nan & Poppi's basement to exchange gifts, eat, and catch up on life.

One of our favorite things to do when we go to New York is eat: Nan's breakfasts, New York pizza, Sabrett hot dogs, and delicious Italian food. Christmas was no exception.
The Morse/Stiller family Christmas wouldn't have been complete without the amazing Italian food from Aunt Antoinette's pizzeria. We ate lasagna, eggplant parmesan, baked ziti, lemon chicken, bread and more until down in Nan & Poppi's basement until we couldn't stuff our faces with anything else.

Henry & Marilyn Morse and their family:
Joe & Lynn LaPaglia
Danny's mom & new step-dad.
One of the few pictures of me. I LOVE hiding behind the camera.
**Not pictures: Danny's brother, Chris, and girlfriend, Holly.
The didn't arrive until Dec. 26th. Pictures coming soon**

Steven & Lori Morse

Danny's uncle & his family
Bobby, Steven, Lori's mother, and Aunt Lori making faces and then distorting them on Steven's new Christmas Mac Book.

Chris & Antoinette Morse
Danny's other uncle and his family

Uncle Chris and his daughter, Alana.

Aunt Antoinette, Brianna (right) and Alana (left)Christmas is more fun with kids! Brianna & Alana always make you think they're shy, but it really just takes them five minutes to warm up.

Mike & Ann (soon-to-be) Morse
And finally, the youngest of Danny's uncles, Mike and his fiance, Ann
Poppi and Mike

Enjoying photo albums:
Grandfather and Granddaughter goofing off on the couch:
And that my friends is the New York family.

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