Saturday, February 09, 2008

Dallas Date Night #2 - Dollar Movie Theater

For Christmas my brothers gave us a Cinemark gift card. Now, we were very excited to get this gift, but it was almost as thrilling to get home and discover that the dollar theater in Garland is indeed a Cinemark.

We have been laughed at before, because we are known to use every coupon in the book/newspaper/mail to get a good deal and then, just when we've worked our grand total down to NOTHING, we pay for the remaining pennies with a gift card.

"It's only pennies!" cashiers have exclaimed to us. "Why not use your gift card on something expensive that you wouldn't normally buy with your own money?"

Obviously they don't get the point of the gift card game. The idea is to stretch that gift card as far as you possibly can. The one who gets the most bang for their buck, or movies for their card in our case, WINS! And I love to win.

When I was little I wanted to win so bad that I would stack the deck in Candy Land. I was five years old. And I wanted to beat my Dad. We have all my little cheating on camera. It's horrifically funny.

So, it was determined that if we went to a movie at the dollar theater on Tuesday nights (when it only costs .50) then we could see 30 movies each. (Now, if you're a math nut like my mom you're quickly doing the math to figure out that we have a $30 gift card - good job - you're so smart - moving on.)

Alas, Danny can't be up past 8:00 pm on a week night or he would keel over at work the next morning and package delivery as we know it would come to a crashing halt. So, that is out of the question.

But, the next best thing is going to a Friday night movie at the dollar theater (it costs $1.75 and I'm not going to do the math to figure out how many movies we can see our on gift card - I was an English major remember?)

Does anyone else find it weird that the Dollar Theater doesn't actually charge $1.00 for their movies? I guess we should call it the $1.75 theater.

And, so all that to say, our second Dallas Date Night of 2008 was seeing "Dan in Real Life" at the dollar theater courtesy of my brothers. And half the fun was knowing we only spend $3.50 on our gift card!

(Actual Date Day: 1/11/08)


Anonymous August 19, 2008 4:55 PM  

Hey Danny And Laura!

I also love cheaper date nights... makes the date nigh more creative, even better if its free.

I've found this date ideas site which gives you ideas for date night that are $30 or under.

Thanks for the read...


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