Saturday, June 14, 2008

Race for the Cure

Being back in Dallas has been a blast - we're close to my family, everything's familiar, I don't get lost trying to get to the grocery store, and I've gotten to reconnect with friends from high school and college.

Miriam is one of those friends. She and I graduated high school together.

Which sounds completely normal to people, for all of 5 seconds, until they remember I was homeschooled. Then I get to go through the schpiel that, "Yes, as a matter of fact, I am socialized, I can carry on a conversation, I went to prom, and I walked across the stage in a cap and gown."

So, Miriam and I graduated from home school together, different homes, but the same idea, and now we've enjoyed reconnecting since I've been back in Dallas.

Earlier this spring, Miriam convinced Danny and I to run the "Race for the Cure" 5k with her and her co-workers in Fort Worth.

I started running back in January. Danny's only work-out is lifting boxes. He can still run faster than me. He is a hoss.

Here we are before the start of the race, head phones in, music ready to go, a little chilled from the cool April breeze.

This is what we were up against, or waiting behind rather. The starting gun went off and we went . . . no where. Slowly, people started to inch forward at a slow walk.

I looked at Danny, "This is driving me crazy! Let's run."

So we went off road. Up and down the curbs, around parked cars, dodging parking meters. It was fanatastic. Passing people on the uphill is always exhilirating, even if they are walkers.

I don't remember our finished time, but I'm sure it was fantastically fast.

After the race we elbowed our way through the crowds, checking out all the freebies and snagging samples of teas, yogurt and other treats.

Survivors of the 5k:

Miriam is already planning for us to run the Dallas Race for the Cure. So, if you're up for a little jog, come run with us!


Photography by Miriam June 16, 2008 12:02 PM  

It was a great race! Brian and I are trying to get ready to run a 10K!!

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