Friday, May 22, 2009

Dad's Birthday

58 Memories I Have Because You're My Dad

  1. cheek-to-cheek
  2. talking in the car on the way to softball practice
  3. early morning runs around the lake
  4. "Use your glove . . . it doesn't hurt as much."
  5. top hats on Saturday morning
  6. cream of what on Saturday morning
  7. scrambled eggs & mashed toast on Saturday morning
  8. waffles on Saturday morning
  9. Adventures in Odyssey on Saturday morning
  10. "Rinse your dishes & put them in the dishwasher."
  11. drive the route with the least stop lights
  12. playing catch in the front yard
  13. riding on your shoulders
  14. you coming into my room from the kitchen to tell me to turn my alarm clock off
  15. "Sit down, slide down and lay down." (In 1" of water)
  16. listening to me practice piano
  17. Father/Daughter camping
  18. Father/Daughter fishing - where I played with minnows
  19. driving lessons at PESH
  20. batting lessons at The Practice Tee
  21. "Enjoy school/college; you'll have the rest of your life to work."
  22. how to clean a bathroom - properly
  23. how to mow the grass
  24. how to weed eat/edge
  25. how to wash a car
  26. playing Space Commanders
  27. learning to keep score while watching a Rangers game
  28. Hogan's Heroes at lunch
  29. fixing consolation/congratulatory breakfasts after my recitals
  30. telling me I look pretty on my wedding day
  31. naming our bunny "Ears"
  32. driving around front so we could wave goodbye in the morning
  33. eating PB&J, cheetos and milk and watching tennis
  34. grilled cheese and cream of mushroom soup
  35. stopping at every rest stop between here and Arizona
  36. getting distracted by the TV when reading aloud to me
  37. how to set up a budget
  38. how to hit a ball
  39. how to throw a ball
  40. how to get your glove on the ground and catch a ball
  41. sprinting through the end of a run
  42. "Major in something you'd enjoy if you don't go to PA school."
  43. teaching me to ride a two-wheeler with no training wheels
  44. telling me I wouldn't die after falling on my teeth in the driveway
  45. "The pot calling the kettle black."
  46. Watching baseball at CCCC
  47. slip n' slides in the backyard
  48. "You have to have some rest mixed in with your work."
  49. working on computers/servers on the weekend
  50. how to set up a modem and a router
  51. "Don't sweat the small stuff."
  52. how to eat crabs and not lick your fingers
  53. how to check the oil in my car
  54. too many old wives' tales to count
  55. ice cream at McDonalds after PCBC softball games
  56. setting up and playing with your old race car track
  57. finding crumbs and notes from "Santa" on Christmas morning
  58. that Skittles taste better on walks home from the grocery store when eaten one at a time at every light pole.
Happy Birthday Dad! I bet the internet will NEVER be able to guess how old you are! ;-)

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