Thursday, July 15, 2010

Cannon - Week 1 (7/15/10)

I love creativity. I don't have many original or new ideas of my own, but when I see someone else doing something original I am more than anxious to try it out myself.

So, when I saw Young House Love documenting their daughter's growth each week in a creative way, I knew I wanted to do that with Cannon.

Young House Love weekly pictures

Here is little Cannon boy in all his one-week-old smallness. How cute are those itty bitty legs and arms! 

Cannon Week 1 - July 15 2010 FINAL

At one week Cannon is pretty much just eating, sleeping and making dirty diapers. He wakes up every three hours to eat and promptly goes back to sleep for three hours. He is a champion nurser and can chow down for 40 minutes before falling back asleep.  We are trying to soak up the days when he's little and appreciate how easy he is as a newborn.

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