Cannon at 1 Month
Cannon -
My little love. You are one month old today. It's hard to believe that it's been one month since you took your first breath and since we saw you for the first time. We celebrated by going to Cane's and eating your Dad's favorite chicken fingers in your honor. You celebrated by sleeping almost six hours in a row!
I want to soak up all of your little moments. How your wrinkles are turning into chubby little rolls. How you no longer slam your head into my chest, but set it down slowly. How you grunt and grimace when you stretch. How you burp through your nose because your refuse to open your little mouth, and how you fart so loud it makes us laugh. I want to treasure these times when you fit in my arms, and I want to look back on these days and know I chose to cuddle and play with you instead of clean, blog or check off my to-do list.
I love you kid . . . a ton! Happy Birthday!
Watch Cannon Grow: