Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Cannon - Day 81 (9/27/10)

The weather has been gorgeous so I decided to take Cannon to the library to lay on a blanket on the grassy knoll.

He loved checking out the grass and watching the cars drive by.

He is becoming quite the talker, and I can't wait until I can actually understand some of what is flying through is little mind.

No sooner had we gotten situated and comfortable, than the lawn crew appeared and shooed us away as they mowed and edged. Cannon tried to scare them away with his intense stare down, but they failed to be intimidated.

So we walked home and talked on the couch.

This is the face he makes when he's thinking really hard about what you're saying.

And this is the face Cannon makes when he's had enough conversation.

He's becoming so much more aware of his hands.

And finally, he's scooting here and there. Granted, it's a little unconventionally (on his back) but I can put him on his activity mat, load the dishwasher, and come back to find this:

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