Friday, November 26, 2010

Which Cloth Diapers Should You Buy?

There are tons of factors and preferences to be considered when purchasing cloth diapers, so know that my opinion is not the end-all be-all and you might like something totally different. That's okay.

I had two criteria for cloth diapers:

  1. snap closures (no velcro that could potentially wear out or gunk up)
  2. one-size (adjustable to bigger sizes as Cannon grew)
I read that it would be better to try several different brands of cloth diapers because you never know which will fit your child. However all of the diapers I've tried have fit Cannon no problem. I get tired of sorting through all of the different inserts/covers/diapers, so I would recommend finding one diaper you like and sticking to that one style/brand.

All that said, this is what we started off with:
  • Flip Covers & Inserts
  • Thirsties Covers
  • Fuzzi Bunz One- Size
  • Baby Kangas
  • 12 prefolds
Now, the younger your baby, the more diapers you will go through in a day. But, if I were to start cloth diapering all over again (assuming I'll start cloth diapers around 3-5 weeks old), below are the two options I'd consider and how many diapers I'd buy.

Easy Cloth Diaper System
If you can afford it get all-in-one diapers. They are the simplest to use!  Each diaper has an insert and that you can have stuffed and ready to use. You will need to wash the diapers after each use.

I would suggest buying 18-24 all-in-one, pocket, one-size diapers. That will last you 2-3 days.
Economical Cloth Diaper System

If price is a factor, the cheapest way to get started cloth diapering is to purchase covers and prefolds. You don't need as many covers because you can just hang them to dry in between uses (assuming there's no poop on them!).
So, as you can see - you can get started in cloth diapers with relatively little out of pocket.

In my next post I'll talk about what to do once your diapers get dirty!
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