A Little Randomness for Your Day
In preparation for Cannon's next bout of teething, I've ordered one of these amber necklaces. I know, I have a boy; that's why I didn't get one from the beginning. But, after that week and a half of utter fussiness when Cannon sprouted two teeth at once, both Danny and I are willing to give the necklace a try.
My blogging friend Kacie had a beautiful, natural birth with her second child using the Hypnobabies method. She had a natural birth using the Bradley method with her first child, so I was interested to hear how she compared the two. I've referred several of you who have asked me about Hypnobabies to her blog before, so check out her birth story and her thoughts on Hypnobabies.
I'm dying to have a "plan for 2011" day. I have a million things I'd like to do:
- create a reading list for myself and for Cannon
- plan some activities for Cannon from "Slow and Steady Get Me Ready" by June Oberlander
- go through of all of the links I've saved on "home management" and decide what systems I'd like to try out and implement this next year.
- plan some date nights for this next year - I've thoroughly enjoyed browsing the archives of The Dating Divas blog and can't wait to try some of their fun date night ideas!