Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Favorite Links This Month (February 2011)

What have I been reading and bookmarking this month?

Why It's Really Okay: The Need to Slow Down - A Holy Experience
"God’s Word never says Hurry Up. God words only whisper: Wake Up."
"Time’s this priceless currency and only the slow spend it wise enough to be rich."

The Way A Mother Can Make Peace With Time - A Holy Experience
Ann's words pierce to my heart. She gets me. Letting go. Letting your children grow. Letting time pass. It's hard but necessary. 

Defrosting Animals - Tinker Lab
My friend Kristin told me about freezing toys in a big block of ice and letting the kids watch/feel it melt all day, so we're going to have to try this in the upcoming weeks.

Happiness Has Arrive {My Publisher} - Under the Sycamore Tree
I have been re-inspired to make a book for each year so we can flip through and remember. I love that she lets her kids play with, touch and feel the books as they look at the pictures.

Boys Bunk Room - August Fields
One day, when we have a house full of children (and a bigger house) I'm going to commission Danny to build these bunk beds to hold our little ones. I'm a BIG fan of kids sharing a room!

Say It On the Wall
It's my dream to have a pantry with working shelves. I'm going to get matching glass jars and these labels to hold all of our bulk ingredients!

Montessori Birth - 3 Years
Just doing some more exploring on developmental activities and education for Cannon.

The Coffeeshop Blog
Looking for some fun, free photoshop actions?

You can check out everything I'm bookmarking on Delicious.

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