Monday, May 02, 2011

Our Family This Month (April 2011)

April was the month of play dates for Cannon and I. We joined the LensBaby Meetup Group and the 2010 Babies Meetup Group. We've been needing to meet some local friends for a few weeks and this was the month. So, we're diving in, taking pictures and checking out all of the local playgrounds.

Cannon officially went mobile this month with his crazy army crawl. He's building quite a reputation for himself with his unique form of transportation as everywhere we go people comment on his crawl. The church nursery workers have labeled it the walrus flop. In baby food news, I officially stopped recording all of the new foods Cannon was eating because they were becoming too numerous to count. He pretty much eats everything we eat (except milk, nuts, and spicy foods) cut up into small pieces that he can pick up with his fingers. It's a breath of fresh air to not puree everything any more!

In house news, we're planting grass seed and waiting and watering patiently. Blog posts with this process will be coming up shortly. Danny also got our new shades installed in all of the windows. So, three months into owning a house and the sheets/drop cloths/bedspreads have finally come down from the windows. Next up: a carpet square for the living room!

And that's our scoop for the fourth month of the year!

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