Friday, July 08, 2011

Cannon at 12 Months

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Dearest Cannon.

You are my summer sunshine. My chill and laid-back little man. You're content to sit an observe, to watch and wait. I've stopped worrying if you're going to roll over, crawl, walk, etc. because you always get there in your own time.

You love playing catch with balls, beating out rhythms on anything resembling a drum, swinging at the park (you will swing forever - usually I'm the first to get tired!) and watching birds in the backyard. I love that you are starting to show us what you love.

Cannon, my favorite moments of our days are the slow ones. Eating breakfast at the table while watching the Today show and sharing conversation over bits of oatmeal and chunks of fried egg. Then there's bedtime. Precious, precious bedtime. Sometimes your Dad puts you down, but sometimes I get the privilege. It's my favorite. I sing you a song, you rest your head on my shoulder and we sway to the music. Sometimes you hum along, sometimes we touch noses. And then off you go to dreamland. If I could capture our life in photos, it would be these endcap moments. The beginning and then end. The start and the finish. Because they never change. They are our life.

I love you Son. If you only remember one thing from this little piece of your first year, I want you to know I love you. I will always love you. I will always be here for you. I will always be proud of you.

Happy Birthday Baby!

Dear Cannon,

Never forget, your daddy loves you, your daddy is proud of you and your daddy thinks you are awesome!!

The other day when I was pulling away from the house on my way to work, you and Mommy were sitting on the front step of the threshold of our house.  As I started to drive off you waved to me as you sat up straight like a big boy.  It was hard to believe that you were about to turn one year old.  The time has flown by and I have enjoyed every minute of getting to know you and watching you grow. 

We have watched you bang on your drums and crawl on your belly and on your knees.  Every night at dinner Mommy shows me one of your new skills.  These include doing “So big,” waving your hands, sticking out your tongue, and flicking your lips to make funny noises. 

Some of the highlights of your first year of life for me have been coming into your room in the morning to your voice, whether crying or babbling; seeing you at lunch when Mommy brings you up to work for a picnic; coming home and playing on the floor; eating dinner as a family; giving you baths; brushing your teeth; singing and praying with you as I hold you before bed; going for walks on the weekends; swimming in the pool; working out in the garage with you and sitting on the couch eating blueberries.  I tell you how proud I am of you, and I tell you how much I love you.  I hope you can understand this. 

A son is a very special person to a dad.  A dad is the man who is given the primary responsibility for loving a child.  No other man in the world is given as much opportunity to love a boy as a dad is given.  I see you every night, and we talk and play and hug and work.  But the most important part is the talking because with words the soul can be nourished and be known.  Cannon, as you grow I want you to know my heart and I want to know yours.  I look forward to getting to know you more as you grow. 

Since you cannot talk yet I learn about you from your actions.  God created man in His image.  God is glorious.  Although man is corrupted by sin, some of God’s image and glory still shines through in man.  When you smile I see God’s glory.  Your face lights up the room and my heart is overcome with awe.  That is why I think you’re awesome.  Never forget you were created in the image of God.  You are a very observant and perceptive person.  When new people come into the room you are very attentive and observant.  Once you observe these new people you are also very friendly and welcoming to these new acquaintances.  You are a very careful and precise little boy.  Every night after we brush your teeth you take your small little pointer finger and place it on the switch and push the switch down and turn off the light.  You are also precise in the way you flick the springy doorstops on the baseboards around the house.  You are also a very social baby in that you like to interact with people by smiling or mimicking them and entertaining them with your smile and your faces.  I love hanging out with you, and I look forward to hanging out more and more with you.

Even though you are only one year old, you are on your way to becoming a man.  The reality of you growing up is hard for your Mom and I, but we are ready to prepare you for the journey and the responsibility. Ultimately we know that the goal of our job as parents is to prepare you for eternity.  We have a lot to learn together as a family, and I hope to teach you a lot about life. 

As you walk down this journey to adulthood I want you to take this journey with love and fullness of life.  These are not things you take with you, but they are a person you walk with.  Jesus Christ is this person and He is the perfect man, He lived a perfect life, and He loved perfectly.  He will satisfy your soul and fill you with joy.  Each night at dinner and before bed I ask God to draw you to Himself and pray that Jesus would become your treasure.  I know your soul will try to find satisfaction in many things, but Jesus will be the only one that follows through on His promise to satisfy your deepest longings and won’t leave you disappointed.  My greatest hope is that one day I will see Jesus face to face in the new heavens and new earth, without sin, and I will enjoy him forever.  I hope you realize this hope for yourself one day. 

Son, I thank God for you.  You are wonderful. You are loved.  Never forget that I love you, I am proud of you, and I think you are awesome!


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