Monday, August 01, 2011

Our Family This Month (July 2011)

The big news this month was celebrating Cannon's first birthday! We enjoyed a simple grill out with family and friends, and Cannon has enjoyed discovering all of his new toys. Danny and I spent countless evenings leading up to July 8th and afterwards reminiscing and marveling at the fact that we've been parents an entire year. How'd it fly by so fast, and did we soak it up enough?

Cannon is now a signing baby communicating that he wants to "eat," is "all done," that he's ready for "more," and that he'd like a drink of "milk." He' signs "eat" the most consistently on his own, but knows to sign all of these just by hearing me say the word.

Cannon had is one-year doctor's visit and weighed in at 22 lbs (50%) and 31 1/4" long (90%). Still long and lean. He got his round of shots and one week later we battled a fever (about 102 degrees) for four days thanks to that lovely little MMR vaccine.

We attempted to get out of the Texas heat with a little family vacation to New York at the end of the month. Trips to the beach, a relaxing morning in the city, lots of good food and time with family all filled our time in The Big Apple. Look for pictures coming soon.

Cannon celebrated his second venture out of state by discovering that he could throw little temper tantrums when he didn't get what he wanted. Yea! We've entered "that" stage. He loves "walking" while holding our hands and if we decided we were done before he was, he let us know with a whiney, whiney cry. If he wanted more grapes instead of eating his chicken and green beans he voiced his distane with a screech. This parenting thing is going to be fun.

Baby #2 and I are well into the second trimester. The nausea is SLOWLY improving - although if I overdue it, don't take a nap or push myself to do too much then I find meals completely unappealing. I have graduated from two naps a day to only one which is nice. I think I might have have felt Baby move the other night, but am not confident it was just gas yet. Sometimes I wonder how I can't feel this little human who's the size of a bell pepper move inside of me?! It's hard to believe we're almost halfway through this pregnancy already!

In house news we've started rearranging to make space for Baby #2. Cannon and the Little One will be sharing a room so that we can still have an office to house our desk and computers. So, the nursery was moved into the bigger back room with an empty wall waiting for a twin bed/bunk bed when we find a steal of a deal. If you know of anyone getting rid of a bed - let us know!

Other than that, we're just laying low and trying to stay cool in the insane Texas heat! I can't say enough how excited I am to be having a winter baby this time around.

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