Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Our Family This Month (October 2011)

We've been busy, busy, busy this month.

Danny started his second class of the semester. It's an accelerated class that meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays, so those days he leaves for work by 6 a.m. and stays out studying until after 10 p.m. Between his preaching class, his online class and his preaching schedule at Prairie Creek he's got a full plate.

I've been busy doing photoshoots and mini-sessions this month in preparation for all the fun holiday cards everyone sends out! You can check out all of the previews at the still:life photography blog or see the sneak peaks on the still:life photography Facebook page. (If you haven't "liked" still:life photography" on Facebook - YOU SHOULD - you'll see all the sneak peaks, catch all the deals and be in the loop!). There is a steal of deal coming up later this week along with the new logo reveal - so stay tuned!

I've also been scrambling to get things done (like Christmas gifts and house organization) so that when my energy tanks the last few weeks of this pregnancy I can rest and enjoy my last few days of having only one child.

Cannon's been EXPLODING in his development this month. More details to come on his monthly birthday post on the 8th, but let's just say HE'S WALKING and SIGNING and TALKING and TEETHING up a storm.

November's going to be our last push to wrap things up before Baby Boy arrives so hopefully we can enjoy a quiet holiday season as a family of three, almost four!

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