Goals 2013: Reading
There was a time, pre-children, that I set goals and met them . . . all.
Children do a beautiful thing to your life. They knock down your expectations and teach you to go with the flow.
Days before Cason was born last year, I wrote out an audacious reading list for 2012. I read, no skimmed, 13 books last year. A dismal number considering my goal of 50+. Oh well. I'm fine with that. I got to snuggle a baby all year instead. There's no comparison. I can read later.
Well, I have a sickness. It's called "list-making." I make lists of lists. Somehow life makes sense after I've made a list. It's like I dump everything onto the paper and can rest. So, in good Laura-fashion, not learning a thing from last year, I made another reading list.
I could give you my reasons, but they probably only make sense in my head. I'll just share the list instead.