A Good Visit with Old Friends

Well, every time we get to see Lindsey and her family, one of us has added a baby to the bunch. Between the two of us we have six kiddos ages five and under, all boys except sweet little Lili. Our play dates are crazy and chaotic with a side of ear-numbing noise.
And should you think that getting these six children to sit and look at the camera is easy peasy, let me show you a little look behind the scenes:

After wearing the kids out swimming in the pool, digging in the sandbox, collecting eggs and chasing the dogs we stuffed the kids with lunch and then settled in for a little indoor play time with some classic vintage toys from Lindsey's childhood while the mama's talked. Aiden wanted some quiet time playing his DS on the couch and patiently let Cannon look over his shoulder. Cason was obviously less impressed with the video game and insisted on playing the annoying younger brother role complete with poles, kicks and giggles.

We are already looking forward to seeing our friends again when they come to Texas next year! You can view past porch pictures here.