Saturday, February 24, 2007

Valentine's Day - Part 2

Shoes for a Valentines Day Gift? Shoes??? Really? Who gives shoes for Valentines Day? Well, we do. This year for Valentines Day Laura and I bought each other a pair of Sperry boat shoes. These shoes are very popular here in South Carolina and will serve as a lasting reminder of our time spent in South Carolina. They also serve as a way to connect with the local culture. The apostle Paul said he would become all things to all men so that he might win some to the Lord. Well, wearing Sperry's, as they're called in SC, is a practical way we can do this.
Also, this gives us a great opportunity for you to remember Laura and I in you prayers. You see, I am currently attending Dallas Theological Seminary (DTS) via online classes. DTS was founded by a man named Lewis Sperry Chafer. So, if you are going about your day and you see a person wearing these Sperry shoes or shoes that look like penny loafers or boat shoes, you can remember to pray for Laura and I, that our hearts would continue to become one in purpose as we pursue the Lord and follow His purpose for our lives.


Kelly February 25, 2007 6:17 PM  

okay, i am laughing right now....these shoes....what's with these shoes?!?!?! they are definitely a phenomenon here in the southeast....i just don't get it! I've been somewhat plagued by these shoes since I moved to east tn....especially since a favorite person of mine wears these things ALL the time! I guess they're kinda like cowboy boots in texas. I do love that ya'll have a his and her pair of shoes :) we definitely need to chat soon to get a visit to sc arranged....lookin' forward to it!

Anonymous February 26, 2007 8:28 AM  

you guys are cute!

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