A Swiss Avenue Halloween
Since arriving in Dallas, I have heard several people talk about trick-or-treating on Swiss Avenue. Now, Swiss Avenue is a Dallas experience no one should be without. It boasts of history, money, and finely manicured lawns, but I failed to comprehend why Halloween on Swiss Avenue was an sort of a big deal.
Halloween (or the Fall Festival as it was changed to by the church) was always a fun holiday growing up. I had my share of Rainbow Bright, Indian princess, and bunny rabbit costumes, but I was always a too shy to get the most out of milking the neighbors for candy.
My trick-or-treating strategy included sending Matthew up to the door and then trading my dum dums for his Hershey bars later on. I'm sure the trade went something like this, "Here. Have these and gimme these," before he could even blink a three-year-old eye.
Well, sometime last week Danny and I discovered the Swiss Avenue Halloween hoopla. The people decorate for halloween. And we're not talking about the little orange pumpkin bags from the Dollar Store that you stuff and hang from your trees.
We are talking about real cemetaries popping up in front yards and bigger than life goblins and ghosts peering out of the windows.
If you're in the Dallas area you must drive by and see these wonders.
We moved to Florida from the DFW area. I used to drive down Swiss Ave. everyday to work and back 20 years ago. It's so beautiful. I'm going to have to put you on my friends list since you post so much about Dallas. :) I get awfully homesick.
Blessings for the day!
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