Thursday, March 27, 2008

Bedtime Calculations

As most of you know, our evening comes to a crashing halt shockingly early. Usually we're eating dinner, watching "The King of Queens," look at each other, and say, "Let's try to stay up one more hour." It's usually only 6:45 pm.

With our crazy schedule we have also gotten into very specific routines at night.

Pack the gym bag.

Make sure lunches are packed and just ready to be grabbed out of the fridge in the morning.

Brush our teeth.

And set the alarm clocks.

Lately, setting the alarm clock has been quite a hilarious feat.

See, I periodically and randomly change the clocks by our beds to be any where from 8 minutes to 22 minutes fast. I like to switch things up. It makes me jump out of bed in the morning like my pajamas are on fire.

"It's already 5:25 am!" I scream to no one because Danny left hours ago. And then I sink back into my very comfortable down comforter, realizing that I changed the clocks and it's really only 5:05 am. What a relief.

However my affinity to leap out of bed because I never know if I'm late or early drives Danny crazy. Apparently he likes his clock to display the correct time. Go figure.

The last few nights I've been talking to Danny while I get ready for bed and I've notice that he's grown very quiet all of a sudden.

"What are you doing? Are you listening to me?" I say to him as he sits stone still on his side of the bed.

"I'm doing my calculations." he replies, in all seriousness.

Now, my mother would LOVE to think that we just LOVE sitting around doing math, but we don't. So, I why on earth was my husband doing "calculations" before bed?

But this was his explanation:

"If I want to be at work at 3:50 am, then I must leave the house at 3:30 am."

"If I want to leave the house at 3:30 am, then I must get out of bed at 3:10 am." (It must be nice to be a guy and only need 20 minutes between deep sleep and leaving the house. I will never know such bliss.)

"If I want to wake up at 3:10 am and be able to hit snooze twice, then I must set my alarm for 2:50 am."

"However, I'm really going to set my alarm for 3:00 am because my clock is 10 minutes fast right now."

So, now, when he sits in complete silence for 10 minutes staring at the wall I know that he's not ignoring me, he's just doing his night time calculations.

However, doesn't it defeat the purpose of setting your clock ahead if you factor that into your alarm setting?

There's got to be an easier way to wake up folks.


Jenna March 27, 2008 12:14 PM  

That is the craziest thing I've ever heard. Where did you even come up with such an idea? Just this morning Joey and I were talking about getting alarm clocks that have electric shock on the snooze button so if you try to slap it you get zapped. But I don't think they make those.

alisha March 31, 2008 12:07 PM  

I love setting my alarm clock early. i don't regularly change the time, but I love waking up knowing that I have a couple more minutes to lay in bed and literally wake up! I also rebel against multiples of 5-I never set up clock for 7:00, its either 6:58, or 7:03-minutes are so valuable-I think this came during my bus driving semester :o)

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