Tuesday, December 09, 2008

30 take away 3 is . . .

Every now and then you find a friend. A great friend. A friend who speaks your love language.

. . . in POST IT NOTES!

and I work in the same building in the Crescent. I love having lunch with her. We email back and forth all day. We have secret rendevous at secret locations at the Crescent. It's fabulous. And on my birthday I found these on my car down in the parking garage. They made it all the way home.

For my birthday Danny took me out to La Duni and because we couldn't decide we tried TWO of their famous cakes. I had the Cuatro Leches cake and Danny had the Venezuelan Triple Chocolate Truffle cake.

Remember this and this? Yea, well, we are systematically taste-testing every cake in Dallas. It's a really hard job, but we'll take this one for the team.

And then we came home and watched the Office.

Post its, cake and Dwight all in one night. I'd celebrate 27 years all over again if I had to.

(Just a side note on November birthdays: I celebrated my birthday one week. The very next week we celebrated my birthday AGAIN along with Danny and his brother Chris' birthday. Then, the week of Thanksgiving we celebrated all the November birthdays with my family. It was like birthday month explosion!)

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