Sunday, September 06, 2009

Plano PhotoWalk 2009

When I was in Kindergarten my mom drove me all over town (Plano, TX) to take a picture for each letter of the alphabet. We snapped a picture of Bob Woodruff Lake for "L." We drove by the Barbershop downtown (where my brothers, who are both in their twenties, got their first haircut and still get their hair cut), and I took a picture of the storefront "B." I made an entire book, complete with reinforced holes and metal rings for the binding.

Most of my pictures in that book are quite comical. I couldn't see over the dashboard or the car door for that matter. So, most of my pictures are 50% blue Plymouth Voyager minivan and 50% of actual subject. You either have to love my perspective or laugh that we were in such a hurry to photograph every letter in the alphabet that we couldn't stop, get out, and get a proper picture.

Fast forward 20 years. I found out about Scott Kelby's Worldwide PhotoWalk and had to join in. Wade and Kristin, a couple from our home group, met me in Plano, and I spent the better part of three hours recapturing those bad-angle shots from kindergarten.

If I was really good I'd track down those old prints for you to compare. Instead I'll just leave you with a bunch of pictures, mainly as a test to my Mom, to see if she can pinpoint the exact location of each angle and picture.

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