yet another introduction to . . . still:saving
Okay, have you caught on to the fact that when I started this whole still:living series I inadvertently created a brand for ourselves?
That's right. Danny and Laura are branded. What two people, a couple, a seminary student and his wife need with a brand, I don't know, but it's fun.
By now most of you know I love talking coupons and shopping deals. I've taught a coupon class here and there, and I am always hoping I'll meet my next best friend in one of them. She'll become just as obsessed with little square pieces of paper as me, and we'll share brunch and swap deals on Saturday morning together.
I've had several people ask me for my coupon class handout, so I thought I'd just slap it onto the internet in the form of a blog to help everyone along. Because goodness knows, sending emails with attachments is going out about as fast as the USPS. Pretty soon I'll just be able to think really hard and my phone number will pop into your mind, or into your iphone, whichever I indicate in my thoughts.
So, if you're inclined to save a dollar, hop on over here: still:saving.
And we'll use this space to get back to the little life of Laura and Danny.