Friday, April 01, 2011

Our Family This Month (March 2011)

Really, what much can I tell you about our family that does revolve around Cannon? I'm racking my brain to come up with something. We had quiet weekends this month and it was wonderful.

Danny's still working at Cigna, working out/running, reading books, taking a class at DTS and hanging out with us in the evenings.

I'm still staying at home with Can-the-Man. It was the month of consignment sales for me. After loading up on summer goodies at Divine Consign, I promptly turned around and went to Just Between Friends because everything I bought Cannon (that was suppose to last him all summer) fit him NOW - IN MARCH! Somehow he's skipping right over the 12-month size in clothing. Photo shoots are picking up, and I'm thoroughly enjoying the creative outlet. I have used up my Baby Boot Camp membership, so Cannon and I have moved onto to new things like running and attending the Allen Public Library Baby & Me story time.

This was quite the month for Cannon. Apparently he's been saving all of his tricks for one big grand entrance. He's consistently rolling over both directions, army crawling, rocking back and forth on his knees and going from sitting up to tummy. In regards to play time, he can now stack the rings back on his rock-a-stack (I had no idea that was the official name), turn the pages of board books and put toys back in the box when I ask him to help me "pick up." I figure if he's old enough to dump something out, he's old enough to learn to put it away.

Cannon's food palette is expanding, and he now enjoys finger foods more than pureed food, so mealtimes are getting easier to prepare and messier to clean up. I finally caved and started feeding him three solid meals a day. I was putting it off because I felt like I was nursing and feeding ALL THE TIME! But Cannon's been nursing less and less, so we reduced the nursing schedule to three times a day and things are much more manageable. I am growing to LOVE family meal times. The final schedule change we also shifted was from three to two naps a day. Whew. I told you - we're doing everything at once over here!

Finish out the month with Cannon's first ear infection and that's March in the Stiller household.

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