Friday, July 01, 2011

3-in-30 June/July 2011

3in30 Challenge

New Goals for July:

NONE! That's right. I'm taking July off. Being pregnant and tired wears me out enough. Having a to-do list hanging over my head isn't fun when I just want to rest. So, I'm taking July off to just enjoy the summer, enjoy Cannon, and hopefully regain some energy to hit the ground running in August.

June Goals Recap:

1. Plan Cannon's "preschool"
This went pretty well. I got through quite a few of my bookmarked sites and through quite a few library books to add ideas to the ever-growing "preschool" spreadsheet Chelsea created and graciously shared with me. I didn't get as much done as I wanted, but here's to tying up all loose ends in July and getting started with "FARM" month in August.

2. Scan documents.
Yea. I didn't get rid of any paper this month. There are still stacks and stacks in the back room waiting to be scanned and shredded. It's going to take needing that room for Baby #2 to get me motivated to clean it out. I figure I still have plenty of time.

3. Order business cards.
The logo is still in the words, mainly because I take forever getting back to Amy with my revisions. Hopefully this will be finished this month.

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