Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Colt - Week 21

~18 lbs

Onesies: 9 months
Pajamas: 6 month

Disposable - Size 3
Cloth - medium/middle setting

None right now! 

(same - unfortunately)
Waking up 2-3 times a night
Taking 3-4 naps a day

I know I said I already stopped "swaddling" Colt, but I kept trying to put him in the Woombie (because I'm addicted to swaddling and get scared my children won't sleep if I stop swaddling. So sometimes I'll continue to try to use the Woombie, which is a little different to me than tight swaddling). Well, this week I finally gave up the Woombie for good because Colt was getting frustrated on being swaddled when he woke up.

Eats about every 3 hours.

Coos and just talks up a storm.


No new likes this week.

Nothing new this week.

We took Colt to his follow up eye appointment w/ Dr.  Chen here in Allen. She diagnosed him with CN4palsy (superior oblique palsy) which basically means that his right eye goes up and out ever so slightly compared to his left eye. This is good news because originally she thought his right eye was going straight outwards, which would have only been correctible through surgery. We'll take him back in a year to see how his eyes look then.

Colt went to Sunday School at Bent Tree Bible Church for the first time this week. He did great and I didn't get called out.

Forgot what Cannon and Cason looked like at the same age?
Cannon - Week 21
Cason - Week 21

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