Front Porch Pictures (The One Where We Add a Baby Every Year)
So, I'm about to reveal a trend.
You'll recall that Lindsey is one of my oldest friends. We met a six years old and shared more Saturday afternoons together than I can recall. She now lives out of state, but when she comes back for a visit we always try to get together.
In July 2012 our little brood looked like this: four boys with a girl on the way
In June 2013, Liliana had made her appearance and I was now growing a new baby in my tummy (obviously not pictured below).
Now, here we are, July 2014, with six kiddos and yup, another one, this time a boy, on the way. (I apparently only wear one outfit to visit with Lindsey.)
And NO, I am NOT pregnant. It's Lindsey's summer to be pregnant. Have you not been paying attention to the pattern at all?
Here's to filling those rocking chairs with all the babies and many more years of taking pictures on the porch.
This summer was also no exception to the after pool tradition of watching Aiden play his Nintendo DS. Cason even threw a few kicks and shoves in to hold his spot as the lovable little brother.
Front Porch Pictures: July 2012, June 2013 and December 2013