Saturday, March 22, 2014

Colt at Five Months

Sweet Strong Colt,

Five months ago, we welcomed you into our family and our lives.  It was so exciting to be here in Texas and to be present within the first few hours of your life!    When we heard the name mommy & daddy had chosen for you, my first thoughts were "what a strong masculine Texas name".  And in only 5 short months you are already standing tall and pulling yourself up!  It has been amazing watching you grow these past few months.... how bright, alert and active you are!  You should see how your big brothers adore you and run to fuss and care for you on your first little wimper!

Today I was asked to babysit for you .  We played for awhile and then it was time for your nap.
 I rocked you in my arms and you gently fell asleep.  I just couldn't put you down!   It was quiet and peaceful while the birds chirped outside in the late morning sun.  As I watched you sleep, the presence of the Lord and His miracle of love filled the room, and  I realized  how very grateful I am to be here with you! 
Thank you, Colt, for that very special moment.  I look forward to getting to know you and to sharing more laughter, love and many more special moments together.  You have my heart and know that I am always here for you with a big loving hug .... (and as you get a little older, maybe with a big bowl of ice cream too!)



Think my boys look alike?

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