Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Colt - Week 30

~20 lbs

Onesies: 9 months
Pants: 9 months
Pajamas: 9 months

Disposable - Size 3
Cloth - largest setting

Okay, so Colt's schedule has been so inconsistent. Poor boy.

His morning nap is pretty haphazard based on what I'm doing with the big boys. He'll either nap in the car or nap in the Tula while we're at the park. I "think" his morning nap occurs about 9 or 10 am.

Colt's afternoon nap is like clockwork. He goes down after lunch when the big boys sleep, about 1 pm.

Colt's third nap of the day is pretty much around dinner time. You'd think I'd learn because every day when I'm trying to prep dinner I look at Colt and go "Why are you still fussing at me?" Well, it's because he's tired. So down he goes around 4:30/5:00 pm for about 45 minutes while we prep or eat dinner.

Bedtime is around 6:30 pm or 7:00 pm and he's down for the night.

Colt has been sleeping 10-12 hours at night with NO dream feed! *fingers crossed*
Taking 3 naps a day

Nurses about every 3 hours & eats pureed foods once or twice a day.

Coos and just talks up a storm.

Two, on the bottom

Nothing new this week.

Nothing new this week.

Nothing new.

Colt is getting up on his knees and rocking back and forth. Here comes crawling!

Forgot what Cannon and Cason looked like at the same age?
Cannon - Week 30
Cason - Week 30

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