Happy Birth Day Colt!
I know, everyone's waiting on Colt's beautiful birth story, and it's coming. Three children is shockingly more work than two, and I'm at that stage where my biggest decision of the day comes down to choosing between eating, sleeping and showering. The birth story is being written sentence, by painfully slow, sentence.
In the mean time, you can enjoy our amazing birth video and photos from A Sacred Project (formally known as Keri Duckett Birth Photography). Keri was still out on maternity leave, so her fabulous associate, Monica, captured all of the details of Colt's birth.
Ya'll, after paying for the midwives/birth center, Keri & Monica will always be the very next thing I save for when I'm pregnant. They are THAT worth it. The minute we watched our video Danny exclaimed, "That was worth every penny!"
This was the earliest our photographer had ever gotten to our birth and it felt so odd surreal to have those precious moments of labor preserved. If you'd rather not watch the entire 8-minute video, you can see my favorites photos below.
Songs: "Waiting Here for You" by Christy Nockels and "I Get To Be the One" by J.J. Heller
If you'd like, check out Cannon's Birth Day video or Cason's Birth Day video.